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Between global and local ecologies
Between global and local ecologies

Liliana Gómez (ed.), Fabienne Liptay (ed.)


What is euphemistically called climate change, or more directly climate crisis, has already become part of both aesthetic discourses and critical research perspectives in culture and the arts. Yet, until recently, the focus has mainly been on the representation of the prevalent ecological relationships and cycles, or on the impact on the environment and contemporary society. Increasingly, however, future-oriented, ecologically conceived potentialities of artistic actions are being explored by new alliances of artists, curators, activists, scholars, and other actors of...
  • global ecology
  • artistic practice
  • ecology


Current Texts
Mama Say Make I Dey Go, She Dey My Back

Jelili Atiku, Damian Christinger

Mama Say Make I Dey Go, She Dey My Back

  • feminism
  • ceremony
  • performance
  • ritual
  • colonialism
  • Africa
  • body
  • spiritism


One plus one equals other
One plus one equals other

Dieter Mersch

Epistemologies of Aesthetics

We  identified ‘showing’—rather than ‘saying’—as the primary self-manifestation of the aesthetic. By ‘showing’ and ‘manifestation’ we do not mean expression, but exhibition and exposition. Wherever works work only with aisthēta and relevance is drawn from perceptions or things and their materiality—from every nuance of coloring, from the way in which objects are framed or combined, from the position of a detail, from the interval between two notes and their microtonal succession or arrhythmic placement, from any hesitation of physical feeling,...
  • discourse analysis
  • Think Art
  • aesthetics
  • artistic research
  • epistemology